Zurich reviews uncover no undue pressure on Wauthier

dimanche 3 novembre 2013

The logo of Zurich Insurance Group is seen at the company's headquarters in Zurich Zurich Insurance (ZURN.VX) said on Monday its finance chief Pierre Wauthier was not subjected to "undue pressure" before he committed suicide and its chairman admitted he was unable to explain the motivation for his tragic decision. Offering conclusions of an investigation into Wauthier's death, the insurer hopes to draw a line under a rocky two months after the 53-year-old finance chief wrote a suicide note saying the then chairman Josef Ackermann had put him under pressure. "We are still deeply saddened by the loss of Pierre Wauthier and we are unable to explain the motivation behind his tragic decision," Zurich Chairman of the board of directors, Tom de Swaan, said in a statement on Monday. Two independent investigations conducted by the Swiss financial market watchdog FINMA into the suicide found "no indication that Pierre Wauthier was subjected to any undue or inappropriate pressure," Zurich said.

via Business News - Yahoo Finance http://finance.yahoo.com/news/zurich-reviews-uncover-no-undue-064914511.html

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